A committed festival
Zero Waste Target
– Eco-cup recovery points for cleaning and reuse (100% of the eco-cups returned to service)
– Unbranded eco-cups to avoid the collector effect
– Large containers for serving sodas
Remember to come with your own eco-cup on the event!
Did you know: The eco-cup must be used at least 7 times in its life to be of «ecological» interest in production, instead of a disposable cup.
Waste processing
Our eco-event commitment
As part of our CSR approach and in accordance with the eco-event commitment charter co-signed since 2018 with CASA and UNIVALOM, in 2023, the “Jazz à Juan” teams collected more than 3 tons of packaging, more than 500 kg of cardboard and more than 500 kg of glass. New this year: we’re among the first festivals in the department to have organised the recovery of bio-waste: 240 kg or 640 L of bio-waste is recovered on a composting local site.
The Jazz à Juan festival integrated in January 2024 the 34 eco-festivals of the Cofees network: the collective of eco-responsible and solidarity festivals Region South.
COFEES’ actions are based on four main principles:
• Transmission: Sharing experiences, encouraging initiatives, supporting the actions of cultural operators
• Territoriality: Anchor actions according to local specificities, link regional festivals, participate in environmental policies in the South
• Transversality: Collaborate with field actors, solve common problems in different disciplines, build shared tools
• Pooling: Pooling resources to reduce the costs of eco-responsible and solidarity-based approaches.

Disability and reception at the festival
How to prepare for your next evening event
“Jazz à Juan” is wheelchair-accessible, so please indicate your disability when booking your ticket. Reserved spaces are closed to online sales to the general public since they are reserved for you. Just send an email to: accueil-juan@antibesjuanlespins.com or phone: +33 (0)4 22 10 60 01. Someone will explain the procedure to follow to book your place.
For your information, the disabled seats have good visibility on the stage, provided that all the seating audience does not get up. On some «moving» concerts, it happens that the audience remain standing for most of the duration of the concert (sometimes at the request of the artist), and hide the visibility of people in a wheelchair. We mention this problem very explicitly so that people wishing to buy PMR seats are fully informed of this discomfort.
The site has disabled toilets.
If you come by car:
Congress centre car park: 18 disabled spaces
Port Gallice car park: 6 disabled spaces
Paid car parks open 24/7
ISO 20121
Since 7 December 2022, the Tourist and Conventions Office has obtained ISO 20121 certification.
Hébergement Web
100% of the energy that our host Infomaniak uses for its web servers is renewable.